Redi CSEP hala'o konsultasaun ba "Timor-Leste Spotlight Report on the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals four (SDG4)

Redi Edukasaun Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hala'o konsultasaun ba "Timor-Leste Spotlight Report on the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals four (SDG4) ne'ebe CSEP hakerek no lansa tiha ona iha fulan Julho 2019 iha Nova Iorke hamutuk ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil sira iha rejiaun Asia Pasifika. Iha konsultasaun ne'e orador sira mak hanesan;
Orador ba Seminariu ne’e Sr. Arquimino Ramos-Docente Universidade da Paz no Director Academia PNTL, Sr. Nivio Magalhaes - Docente Universidade da Paz Fakuldade Siensia Sosiais e Humaniora, Sra. Alzira Azzy Reis–Asesora Unidade Planeamento, Monitórizasaun no Avaliasaun Gabinete  Primeiro Ministro (UPMA-GPM). Sr. Antoninho Pires-Director Geral Planeamento, Parcerias e Cooperasaun Ministerio  Edukasaun, Joventude e Desportu (MEJD). Sr. Jose de Jesus - Koordenador Nasionál CSEP.
Konsultasaun ne'e partispante sira mai husi estudante centro formasaun MAHON, estrutura Senadu Jeral Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Universidade UNITAL, Media no organizasaun sosiedade sivil.
Eventu ne'e implementa husi membru CSEP hanaran Many Hands One Nation (MAHON), suporta husi Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) no finansia husi Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE).

Centro Formasaun Many Hands One Nation (MAHON), Bairro Pite, Dili, Timor-Leste iha loron Sesta-feira, 10 de Janeiru de 2020.

Education Network Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) implementing the National Consultation on "Timor-Leste Spotlight Report on the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals four (SDG4)” that was written by CSEP and launched in July 2019 in New York during the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) together with other CSOs in Asia Pacific Region. The speakers who presented in this consultation were;
Seminar Speker Mr. Arquimino Ramos – Lecturer of Universidade da Paz and the Director of Academia of Timor-Leste’s National Police, Mr. Nivio Magalhaes - Lecturer of Universidade da Paz, Fakulty of Social Science and Humanity, Mrs. Alzira Azzy Reis – Adviser of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit at the Cabinet of Prime Minister (UPMA-GPM), Mr. Antoninho Pires - Director General of Planning, & Partnership and Cooperation at the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MEYS) ,  Mr. Jose de Jesus – National Coordinator of CSEP.
The event was implemented by the member of CSEP namely Many Hands One Nation (MAHON), supported by CSEP and financing by Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE).

MAHON Training Center, Bairro pite, Dili, Timor-Leste on Friday, 10 January 2020.