Bemvindu mai Vizita Pájina Ofisiál Website CIVIL SOCIETY EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP (CSEP), iha Timor-Leste. Hodi Haree Informasaun no Publikasaun ba Seitor Edukasaun. Diresaun (CSEP)| Rua.Delta III, Funan-Buras, Dili, Timor-Leste |Kontaktu : +670-75025697|77317518|Email :||Edukasaun Ne'ebé Kualidade Ba Ema Hotu-Hotu Iha Timor-Leste|Civil Society Education Partnership Foku Servisu iha area Advokasia, Monitorizasaun no Peskiza

(CSEP) Hamutuk ho Membru Sira, Halo Audensia Publiku ho Prezidente Republika Timor-Leste

CSEP Hamutuk ho Membru Sira, Halo Audensia Publiku ho Prezidente Republika Timor-Leste

The Timor-Leste experience with Youth Action Research (YAR)

CSEP realiza Inkontru Anual Membru ba tinan 2022 no Programa Interkambio / CSEP realizes the Annual Membership Meeting 2022 and the CSO Exchanges

English Below;

CSEP realiza Inkontru Annual Membru CSEP 2022 no Interkambiu entre membru CSEP ho OSC iha RAEOA hamutuk ho membru NGO 14 iha Rejiaun Administrativa Enclave Oecussi Ambeno (RAEOA) ne’ebé partisipa husi reprezentante Presidente RAEOA Sr. Jose Eta, reprezentante Director FONGTIL Sr. Tito, Assesor Prinsipal Assuntu Inluzaun Social ba Presidente da República Sr. Gaspar Afonso, NGO sira iha Oecusi Ambeno, media no Universidade DIT.

RAEOA, 22-25 de Novembro de 2022.


CSEP is realizing the Annual Membership Meeting 2022 and the Exchange program between CSEP and the CSOs in RAEOA together with 14 CSEP members in Rejiaun Administrativa Enclave Oecussi Ambeno (RAEOA) that is participated by the representative of President of Authority of RAEOA Mr Jose Eta, the representative of Executive Director of FONGTIL Mr. Tito, Special Advisor on Social Inclusion for the Office of President Mr. Gaspar Afonso, NGOs in RAEOA, media and the students from Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) in RAEOA.

 RAEOA, 22-25 November 2022.



English below;

CSEP lansa no socializa relatoriu peskiza "Asesibilidade no Qualidade Eskola Sekundariu Tekniku Vokasional iha Timor-Leste" ne'ebe konvida orador S.E. Dr. Antonio Guterres, Vice Ministro Edukasaun, Joventude no Desporto (MEJD) no Sr. Valentim da Costa Pinto, Director Executivo FONGTIL no Sr. Feliciano Soares, Peskizador no Ofisial Advokasia CSEP. Partisipante sira mai husi estudante no manorin husi ETVOC iha Dili, estudante universitariu, membru CSEP, NGOs, Media no joventude sira.
S.E. Vice Ministro Edukasaun, Joventude no Desportu hato'o agradesimentu ba CSEP hanesan Redi Edukasaun ne'ebe kontribui dadus sira hanesan deskobrimentu no rekomendasaun ba governu atu servisu hamutuk hodi dezenvolve setor edukasaun iha Timor-Leste liu-liu Eskola Tekniku Vokasional sira.

CSEP hakarak fahe relatoriu refere ba publiku hanesan referencia ba governu, Parlamentu, Parseiru no Sociedade Civil atu hamutuk hodi kontribui no investe iha setor edukasaun liu-liu Eskola Tekniku Vokasional hodi produs foinsaé Timor-oan ne'ebe bele orienta ba merkadu trabalho.

Eventu ne'e realiza iha Salaun INFORDEPE, Balide, Dili, 27 de Otoubro de 2022.


CSEP launching and socializing the research report on Accessibility and the quality of Technical Vocational Schools in Timor-Leste” that is inviting the key speakers of H.E Dr. Antonio Guterres, Vice Minister of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS) and Mr. Valentim da Costa Pinto, Executive Director of FONGTIL and Mr. Feliciano Soares, Research and Advocacy Officer of CSEP. The participants are from students and teachers of Technical Vocational Schools in Dili, university students, members of CSEP, NGOs, Media and youth.

H.E. The Vice Minister of Education Youth and Sport addressed his gratitude and thanks to CSEP as the Education network that always contributed the data such as findings and recommendations to the government to work together in developing education sectors in Timor-Leste, especially the technical Vocational Schools.

CSEP would like to share this report to the public as a reference for government, parliament, development partners, CSOs together to contribute and invest in the education sector, especially the Technical Vocational Schools to  produce the Timorese young people for labor market orientations. 

The event was organized at INFORDEPE, Balide, Dili, October 27th, 2022.



Jose de Jesus, ST.MM
National Coordinator
Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP)
Mobile : (+670 75025697 / 77297699)
Skype : Jose de Jesus
Address : Rua Usindo II, Surikmas Opposite Palm Business Center , Dili, Timor-Leste



Husi loron 25-30 Otoubro de 2021, Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) realiza Basic Leadership Development Course (BLDC) nivel rejional ne’ebé organiza husi Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) no CSEP hamutuk ho uma nain nasaun tolu seluk hanesan Timor-Leste, Mongolia no India.
Partisipante ne’ebe partisipa iha BLDC 2021 husi Timor-Leste hamutuk nain 17 ne’ebe maioria representante husi membru CSEP no membru no Koordenador Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) husi munisipiu walu.
Iha loron primeiru, partisipante sira halo introdusaun hodi konyese malu ho joventude no partisipante sira husi nasaun tolu nian no fahe esperiensia servisu voluntariu sira ne’ebe partisipante ida-idak involve.
Eventu ne’e realiza iha Salaun MAHON Training Center, Bairropite, Dili liu husi online no ofline.
From 25-30 October 2021, Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hosting the regional level event on Basic Leadership Development Course (BLDC) 2021 that is organizing by Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) together with two other host countries of India and Mongolia including Timor-Leste.
The total of 17 participants are from Timor-Leste’s who are attending the BLDC 2021 where the majority of them are the representatives from CSEP members and the members and Coordinator of Marginalized Youth Forum (MYF) from eight municipalities.
In the first day of training, participants are focusing on self-introductions to know each other between participants from three countries and sharing the voluntary works that each participants are involving.
The event is held at MAHON Training Center, Bairro pite, Dili via online offline mode. 




Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) suporta membru Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) realiza Assembleia Geral Membru ba dahuluk ne’ebé representante joventude sira mai husi munisipiu 12 (seidauk inklui RAEOA) ho intensaun atu halo no aprova estatutu FJM nian hanesan Redi Joventude ida iha Timor-Leste hodi sai lian ba joventude lian laék sira.

Existensia husi Forum FJM ne'e atu apoiu no servisu advokasia ba assuntu dezenvolvimentu joventude, emprendorismu, mudansa klimatika, edukasaun, turizmu no setor produtivu sira seluk hodi muda joventude sira husi situasaun marjinalizadu iha Timor-Leste.

Iha eventu AGM ne’e partisipa husi membru FJM husi munisipiu 12, membru CSEP 13, Presidente Conselho Nacional Joventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL), Asociação Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) no media hamutuk nain 59 ne’ebé realiza iha Centru Treinamentu MAHON, Bairro pite, Dili, 04 de Otoubru de 2021.




Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) and the member of Marginalized Youth Forum (MYF) realized a first general Assembly by the marginalized youth representatives from 12 municipalities (not yet included (RAEOA) with the objectives to compose and approve the MYF’s statutes to be a National Youth Network in Timor-Leste and to be voice for those voiceless youth.

The existence of this MYF forum is to support and advocate for the important youth issues on youth development, empowerment, climate change, education, tourism and other relevant productive sectors to withdraw marginalized youth from the situations that they currently facing in Timor-Leste. 

The event was participated by the 59 youth representatives from 12 municipalities across the country, 13 CSEP’s NGO members, the President of National Youth Council, Disability organization namely AHDMTL and media that held at MAHON Training Center, Bairro pite, Dili on October 4th, 2021.

~ END~


Progresu no Desafiu Implementasaun ODS4 no Planu Estratéjiku Edukasaun Nasional 2011-2030 iha Timor-Leste durante tempu pandemia


Progresu no Desafiu Implementasaun ODS4 no Planu Estratéjiku Edukasaun Nasional 2011-2030 iha Timor-Leste durante tempu pandemia.

Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hamutuk ho Forum Juventude Marzinalijado (FJM) Munisipio Covalima realiza semináriu loron ida hodi informa no konsulta progresu no disafiu implementasaun Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel dahat (ODS-4) no Planu Estratejiku Edukasaun Nasional (PEEN) ou National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) 2011-2030 durante tempu pandemia global. 

Semináriu hirak ne’e mos realiza tiha ona iha Munisipiu Ainaro, Manufahi, Manatuto no ohin iha loron 14 de Setembro de 2021 realiza tán iha Munisipiu Covalima. Semináriu ne’e rasik abertura husi Administrador Munisipiu Covalima. Semináriu ida ne’e hetan partisipasaun mos husi Administrador Munisipiu Covalima, Estudante Pre- Secundario, Secundariu, Diretor SEPFOPE, Diretor Sentru Joventude no CSEP au mesmo tempo hanesan mos orador iha eventu ida ne’e no hetan partisipasaun husi Autoridade Lokal, Juventude sira no media iha Municpio Covalima laran.

Durante diskusaun, estudante no professor sira preokupa barak liu kona-ba sistema edukasaun no kualidade edukasaun nian ne'ebe ladiak inklui infrastrutura, fasilidade, kapasidade professor, inklusividade no finansiamentu edukasaun ne'ebe limitadu ou la sufisiente atu resolve problema edukasaun nian ne'ebe komplexu tebes iha ita nia rain. Iha parte seluk, partisipante sira preokupa ho impasse politika ne'ebe dura tempu naruk inklui mós impaktu surtu COVID-19 no desijaun EE, SS no KO ne'ebe aplika iha ita nia rai laran.


                                                                           “ Remata”

Selebrasaun Loron Internasional Literasia / Celebration of World Literacy Day 2021

English Below:

Liquiça, 8/09/2021: Relasiona ho Selebrasaun loron Internasional Literasia ka Alfabetizasaun, Civil Society Education Partneship – CSEP apoio ninia membru Asossiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) hodi realiza semináriu ho tema jerál "Promove Literasia Médiatika ba Foinsa'e Timor-Leste”, iha Suku Lauhata, Postu-Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquiça iha Quarta feira ne'e.

Objetivu husi Semináriu ne'e hodi fahe hanoin ba malu husi oradór sira kona-ba Alfabetismu iha Timor-Leste liuliu ba ema ho Defisiénsia atu asesu ba edukasaun ida ne’e inklusivu tuir Timor-oan sira nia preferensia.

Diretór Assosiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) Sr. Gaspar Afonso iha Semináriu ne'e hateten, ita bele ki'ak iha matérial, maibé ita labele ki'ak iha Edukasaun, tanba ne'e Edukasaun sai xavi importante ba iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional. Iha tempo hanesan mos Sr. Angelo Fernando Ximenes, hanesan Director Ezekutivu Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation nune’e mos hanesan membru Konsellu ba CSEP reprezentante Koordenador Nasional CSEP sai orador iha eventu importante ne’e husu apoiu husi inan - aman sira atu suporta ba oan sira hodi aproveita opurtunidade nebe’e governo fasilita ho eskola publiku gratuita. Nune'e mos CSEP hanesan rede edukasaun sei kontinua halo advokasia ba seitor edukasaun hodi husu ba governo atu fasilita/apoio fasilidades sufisiente ba maluk defisiéntes sira hodi bele asesu ba edukasaun tuir sira ninia kondisaun ho dignu.

Iha sorumutu ne'e partissipa husi ekipa AHDMTL, Administrador Munisipiu Liquiça, Reprezentante Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquiça, Xefe Suku Lauhata, komunidade, Organizasaun Sociedade Civil, Media inklui mos Ema ho Defisiénsia.



Liquica, 8/09/21; With regards to the International Literacy Day, the Civil Society Education Partnership – CSEP supports to it's member namely Asossiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) which is one of the disability association to celebrate this important day through the one day seminar on "Promoting the Media Literacy for young people" that was realized in Lauhata village, Post Administrative of Bazartete in Liquica municipality in this Wednesday.

The objective of this seminar is to share the ideas and the messages of literacy in Timor-Leste especially for those people with disability and marginalized community to access to inclusive education based on their preferences.

Mr. Gaspar Afonso, the Director of AHDMTL said in this seminar that althrough we are materially poor but we should not be poor in education, as the education is an important key for the national development. at the same time, Mr. Angelo Fernando Ximenes, the Director of Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation as well as the member of the Board of Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) represented the National Coordinator of CSEP requested to all the parents to support to their children to access to the free public schools that the government provides.
As the education coalition, CSEP continues doing the advocacy on education sector to push government to facilitate/support sufficient facilities for those marginalized and disability people to access to education based on their current conditions and dignity.

The seminar was attended by the AHMDTL team, the Administrator of Liquica Municipality, Education Department in Liquica Municipality, Chief of village of Lauhata, the community, CSOs, Media including people with disabilities.


Progresu no disafiu implementasaun ODS4 no PEEN 2011-2030 durante tempu pandemia global COVID-19


Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) realiza seminariu loron ida hodi informa no konsulta progresu no disafiu implementasaun Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel Dahat (ODS-4) no Planu Estratejiku Edukasaun Nasional (PEEN) ou National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) 2011-2030 durante tempu pandemia global. 

Seminariu ne'e realiza iha Munisipiu Manatuto, 17 de Agostu de 2021 ne'ebe partisipa husi Director Edukasaun Munisipiu Manatuto representa mos Administrador Munisipiu, Xefi Programa HATUTAN/Care International Timor-Leste iha Manatuto, Professor, Koordenador Sentru Foinsa'e Manatuto, Asosiaun Feto Manatuto (AFEMA), Fundasaun Moris Foun Manatuto, Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM), membru CVTL, Estudante Ensino Sekundariu St. Antonio Manatuto (ESSAM), FOSCA, Media no joventude sira. 

Durante diskusaun, estudante no professor sira preokupa barak liu kona-ba sistema edukasaun no kualidade edukasaun nian ne'ebe ladiak inklui infrastrutura, fasilidade, kapasidade professor, inklusividade no finansiamentu edukasaun ne'ebe limitadu la sufisiente atu resolve problema edukasaun nian ne'ebe komplexu tebes iha ita nia rain. Iha parte seluk, partisipante sira preokupa ho impasse politika ne'ebe dura tempu naruk, impaktu surtu COVID-19 no desijaun EE, SS no Ko ne'ebe aplika iha ita nia rai laran.