Selebrasaun Loron Internasional Literasia / Celebration of World Literacy Day 2021

English Below:

Liquiça, 8/09/2021: Relasiona ho Selebrasaun loron Internasional Literasia ka Alfabetizasaun, Civil Society Education Partneship – CSEP apoio ninia membru Asossiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) hodi realiza semináriu ho tema jerál "Promove Literasia Médiatika ba Foinsa'e Timor-Leste”, iha Suku Lauhata, Postu-Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquiça iha Quarta feira ne'e.

Objetivu husi Semináriu ne'e hodi fahe hanoin ba malu husi oradór sira kona-ba Alfabetismu iha Timor-Leste liuliu ba ema ho Defisiénsia atu asesu ba edukasaun ida ne’e inklusivu tuir Timor-oan sira nia preferensia.

Diretór Assosiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) Sr. Gaspar Afonso iha Semináriu ne'e hateten, ita bele ki'ak iha matérial, maibé ita labele ki'ak iha Edukasaun, tanba ne'e Edukasaun sai xavi importante ba iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional. Iha tempo hanesan mos Sr. Angelo Fernando Ximenes, hanesan Director Ezekutivu Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation nune’e mos hanesan membru Konsellu ba CSEP reprezentante Koordenador Nasional CSEP sai orador iha eventu importante ne’e husu apoiu husi inan - aman sira atu suporta ba oan sira hodi aproveita opurtunidade nebe’e governo fasilita ho eskola publiku gratuita. Nune'e mos CSEP hanesan rede edukasaun sei kontinua halo advokasia ba seitor edukasaun hodi husu ba governo atu fasilita/apoio fasilidades sufisiente ba maluk defisiéntes sira hodi bele asesu ba edukasaun tuir sira ninia kondisaun ho dignu.

Iha sorumutu ne'e partissipa husi ekipa AHDMTL, Administrador Munisipiu Liquiça, Reprezentante Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquiça, Xefe Suku Lauhata, komunidade, Organizasaun Sociedade Civil, Media inklui mos Ema ho Defisiénsia.



Liquica, 8/09/21; With regards to the International Literacy Day, the Civil Society Education Partnership – CSEP supports to it's member namely Asossiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL) which is one of the disability association to celebrate this important day through the one day seminar on "Promoting the Media Literacy for young people" that was realized in Lauhata village, Post Administrative of Bazartete in Liquica municipality in this Wednesday.

The objective of this seminar is to share the ideas and the messages of literacy in Timor-Leste especially for those people with disability and marginalized community to access to inclusive education based on their preferences.

Mr. Gaspar Afonso, the Director of AHDMTL said in this seminar that althrough we are materially poor but we should not be poor in education, as the education is an important key for the national development. at the same time, Mr. Angelo Fernando Ximenes, the Director of Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation as well as the member of the Board of Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) represented the National Coordinator of CSEP requested to all the parents to support to their children to access to the free public schools that the government provides.
As the education coalition, CSEP continues doing the advocacy on education sector to push government to facilitate/support sufficient facilities for those marginalized and disability people to access to education based on their current conditions and dignity.

The seminar was attended by the AHMDTL team, the Administrator of Liquica Municipality, Education Department in Liquica Municipality, Chief of village of Lauhata, the community, CSOs, Media including people with disabilities.