CSEP Parseria ho ASPBAE, fó formasaun loron lima ba joventude marjinalizadu nain 18 konpostu husi Munisípiu 5

Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) parseria ho Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) oferese formasaun loron lima hahu husi 06 - 10 de Maio de 2019 ba joventude marjinalizadu nain 18 ne'ebe mai husi Munisipiu lima mak hanesan Aileu, Ainaro, Liquica, Ermera no Bobonaro kona-ba "Youth-led Action Research / YAR" ne'ebe mak sei supervisiona direita husi organizasaun lima mak hanesan NGO MAHON, IMI, HADEZTA, FFHF no ACF. Tuir planu YAR sei implementa iha Timor-Leste hahu husi tinan 2019-2020 no iha posibilidade atu extende depende husi dezempenho.
Iha abertura ba formasaun, Secretaria de Estado ba Igualidade no Inkluzaun Sua Exelensia Sra. Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus akresenta katak formasaun ne'e importante ba joven feto no mane sira ne'ebe mai husi munisipiu atu aprende kona-ba lalaok peskiza YAR nian ba joven sira tamba bele ajuda governu atu hatene dados husi situasaun no kondisaun joventude nian iha edukasaun, jeneru, saude no status marjinalisasaun hodi governu bele halo politika no planeamentu adequadu atu responde problema sira ne'ebe sei deskobre iha estudu YAR refere. iha tempu hanesan, SEII kongratula no apresia parseria entre CSEP no ASPBAE atu tulun ita nia joven sira iha Timor-Leste. 
Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) partnership with Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) providing a five days training from 06-10 May 2019 for 18 marginalized youth representatives from five identified municipalities such as Aileu, Ainaro, Liquica, Ermera and Bobonaro on "Youth-led Action Research / YAR" that will be direct supervision from five CSEP members named NGO MAHON, IMI, HADEZTA, FFHF and ACF. YAR is planning to start within two years (2019-2020) and it has possibilities to extend depending on the performance.
On the opening of training, the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion Her Excellency, Mrs. Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus emphasizes that this training is important for those marginalized youth (both male and female) who are coming from various municipalities to learn the YAR’s processes because it will be helping our government to have a proper data on the marginalized youth situations particularly on education, gender, health and marginalization’s’ status so that the government may formulate the adequate policy and planning to respond the issues and finding that raised on the YAR’s report. At the same time, Secretary of State also congratulates and very appreciated the partnership between CSEP and ASPBAE to help our youth in Timor-Leste.

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