Membru Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) kospu husi NGO (MAHON, HADEZTA no FHM Maliana) asina MOU ho Embaixada Japaun iha
Timor-Leste ba projetu konstrusaun tolu (Postu Saude 2 no Eskola Primaria ida)
iha area rural. Seremonia
ne'e realiza iha Sexta-feira, 15 de Marsu de 2019 iha Embaixada Japaun iha
Asinatura Memorandu de Intendimentu / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entre
NGO tolu (1. Haburas Dezenvolve Talentu - HADEZTA, 2. Fundasaun Haburas Moris - FHM Maliana no 3. Many Hands One Nation -
MAHON) ho Embaixada Japaun iha Timor-Leste ba projetu konstrusaun tolu mak
hanesan Postu Saude iha Suku Delesu/Ermera, Suku Atudara/Bobonaro no EBF Zoilpo
iha Suku Guda/Bobonaro. Projetu tolu ne'e sei benefisia direitamente komunidade
iha area rural ne'ebe mensiona iha leten.
Seremonia ne'e partisipa husi Sua Exelensia Sr.
Vice Ministro Administrasaun Estatal, Director Geral Ministerio da Saude,
Director Geral Ministerio Edukasaun, Joventude no Desportu, Presidente
Autoridade Munisipal sira husi Ermera no Bobonaro, Media no parseiru relevante
sira ne'ebe realiza iha Kampaun Embaixada Japaun iha Dili, Timo Leste iha
loron Sexta-feira, 15 de Marsu de 2019.
Ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the three NGOs (1. Haburas Dezenvolve Talentu - HADEZTA, 2. Fundasaun Haburas Moris - FHM Maliana and 3. Many Hands One Nation - MAHON) with the Embassy of Japan in Timor-Leste for the three construction projects of Health Posts in the villages of Delesu/Ermera, Atudara/Bobonaro and one Primary School of EBF Zoilpo/Bobonaro. These three project will be directly benefit the rural community in the three villages mentioned above.
Ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the three NGOs (1. Haburas Dezenvolve Talentu - HADEZTA, 2. Fundasaun Haburas Moris - FHM Maliana and 3. Many Hands One Nation - MAHON) with the Embassy of Japan in Timor-Leste for the three construction projects of Health Posts in the villages of Delesu/Ermera, Atudara/Bobonaro and one Primary School of EBF Zoilpo/Bobonaro. These three project will be directly benefit the rural community in the three villages mentioned above.
The ceremony was participated by H.E Vice Minister of State Administration, General Director of the Ministry of Health, General Director of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, President of the Municipal Authorities of Ermera and Bobonaro, Media and the relevant stakeholders that was held at the Japanese Embassy's Compound on Friday, 15th of March 2019.