Koordenador Nasional CSEP Sr. Jose de Jesus hamutuk ho Director Ezekutivu Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Sr. Angelo F. Ximenes hasoru malu ho Presidente Autoridade Munisipiu Bobonaro Sr. Zeferino Soares dos Santos hodi informa kona-ba kontribuisaun sosiedade sivil nia iha dezenvolvimentu setor saude, turismo, edukasaun, joventude no protesaun sosial ba komunidade no joventude marjinalizadu sira.
Sr. Zeferino apresia ho partisipasaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil nian hamutuk ho autoridade sira servisu hamutuk atu hadiak no kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu komun iha munisipiu refere no mos enkoraza organizasaun SC sira atu mantein transparansia ba duador sira nia suporta hodi nafatin hetan konfiansa iha futuru.
Sr. Zeferino apresia ho partisipasaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil nian hamutuk ho autoridade sira servisu hamutuk atu hadiak no kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu komun iha munisipiu refere no mos enkoraza organizasaun SC sira atu mantein transparansia ba duador sira nia suporta hodi nafatin hetan konfiansa iha futuru.
Setor edukasaun hanesan pilar importante ida iha nasaun ne'e atu dezenvolve hamutuk, laos deit governu nia responsabilidade mesak deit maibe tenki ema hotu nian hanesan feto, joventude no komunidade sira hotu.
National Coordinator of CSEP Mr. Jose de Jesus together with the Executive Director of MAHON Mr. Angelo F. Ximenes met the President of Authority of Bobonaro Municipality Mr. Zeferino Soares dos Santos in informing the contributions of CSOs in the development of health, education, youth, and social protections to the community and marginalized youth.
Mr. Zeferino appreciated with the participation of CSOs together with the local authorities to contribute to the public development in its municipality and encourages CSOs to keep maintaining transparency to the donors' supports to continue gaining their trust in the future.
Mr. Zeferino appreciated with the participation of CSOs together with the local authorities to contribute to the public development in its municipality and encourages CSOs to keep maintaining transparency to the donors' supports to continue gaining their trust in the future.
Education sector is an important pillar in the country that need to be contribute together, not only government responsibility but its all of our responsibility such as women, youth and communities.
Maliana, 18 June 2020.