Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hamutuk ho ninia membru NGO sira hasoru malu ho Sua Exelensia, Sr. Alarico de Rosario, Sekretariu de Estado Formasaun Professional no Empregu (SEFOPE) hodi apresenta rekomendasaun baseia ba resultadu peskiza Youth-led Action Research (YAR) ne'ebe CSEP kompleta iha tinan 2019. Rekomendasaun importante ne'ebe CSEP apresenta mak hanesan joven marjinalizadu sira rekomenda atu loke no fasilita Sentru Treinamentu komunitaria iha nivel postu ho Suku iha Timor-Leste hodi fo oportunidade ba joventude marjinalizadu sira bele asesu tamba maioria sentru treinamentu sira loke deit iha kapital/Dili deit no mos rekomenda atu fo bolsu estudu ba joventude marjinalizadu sira atu asesu formasaun tekniku iha Dili.
Liu husi inkontru ne'e; Sua Exia, Sekretario de Estadu SEFOPE apresia no agradese ba membru CSEP sira ne'ebe durante ne'e fo formasaun ba joven sira no ajuda ona governu iha parte ida ne'e inklui nia enkoraza Sentru Treinamentu sira bele apresenta proposta ba SEFOPE iha tinan 2021 mai atu bele loke treinamentu ba joven marjinalizadu sira iha nivel rural.
Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) together with its members met with Excellency Mr. Alarico de Rosario, Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SSVTE) in presenting the recommendations based on the CSEP’s Youth-led Action Research (YAR) that CSEP completed in 2019. The key important recommendations to SSVTE were the government must facilitate or establish the Community Training Centers in the Post Administrative and Village levels in Timor-Leste to provide learning opportunities for those marginalized youth to access because most of training centers are only open in the national/capital of Dili as well as to provide scholarship for those marginalized youth to access the technical courses in Dili.
Through this meeting, H.E. Secretary of State SSVTE appreciated and thanks to these CSEP members that have provided courses for marginalized youth and helping the government in this sector including encourages CSEP members to submit their proposal to SSVTE in 2021 to establish training for marginalized youth in rural areas.
Caicoli, Dili, August, 08, 2020