CSEP hamutuk ho nia membru Action for Change Foundation (ACF) selebra loron Internasional Joventude iha loron Sexta-feira, 14 de Agostu de 2020 iha salão MAHON Training Center, Bairo pite, Dili. Iha eventu ne'e orador xave sira mak hanesan Sua Exia, Dr. Antonio Guterres, Vice Ministro Edukasaun, Joventude no Desportu (VMEJD), Sua Exia, Eng. Abrão N. Saldanha, Sekretariu Estado Joventude no Desportu (SEJD), Sra. Maria Dadi Magno, Presidente Conselho Nasional Joventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL), Sr. Feliciano Soares, Koordenador Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) no partisipa husi Organizasaun Sosièdade Sivìl, Estudante, Joventude sira.
CSEP together with its member Action for Change Foundation (ACF) celebrated the international youth day on August 14, 2020 at MAHON Training Center, Bairo pite, Dili.
The key speakers who presented at this event was; H.E. Dr. Antonio Guterres, Vice Minister of Education, Youth and Sport (VMEYS), H.E. Eng. Abrão N. Saldanha, Secretary of State for Youth and Sport (SSYS), Mrs. Maria Dadi Magno, President of Timor-Leste National Youth Council (TLNYC), Mr. Feliciano Soares, Coordinator of Marginalized Youth Forum (MYF) as well as the representatives of CSOs, students and youth.