Istoria Susesu Membru FJM / Success Story of MYF members (English version is bellow)


Forum Juventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) hanesan organizasaun joventude ne’ebé hari’i iha dia 9 fulan Julho de 2020 husi representante joventude marjinalizadu husi munisipiu 12 inklui mos RAEOA iha Timor-Leste. FJM hanesan inisiativa ida husi Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) atu haforsa servisu monitorizasaun, peskiza no advokasia iha setór importante sira hanesan Edukasaun, Agrikultura, Turismo no Ekonomia hodi empodera joventude sira sai husi situasaun marjinalizadu iha Timor-Leste.

Hafoin establese durante tinan ida nia laran, joventude 100 resin mak hola parte ona iha forum ne’e atu hetan oportunidade/espasu aprendizajem hamutuk ho CSEP iha area importante sira hanesan peskiza, analiza dadus, advokasia, lideransa, metodolojia hakerek proposta no finansas básiku hodi hasa’e kapasidade joventude sira nian ne’ebé maioria husi munisipiu, Suco no aldeia ne’ebé izoladu liu.

Iha momentu importante ida ne’e, FJM hamutuk ho nia belun Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hakarak atu públika istoria susesu husi membru FJM munisipiu Ermera nian hanesan tuir mai;

Anselmo Graça de Deus, naturalmente moris iha Suco Haupú, Posto Administrativu Letefoho, Munisipiu Ermera ho nivel edukasaun remata Eskola Sekundáriu no involve iha FJM iha tinan 2020 desde FJM ne’e hahu iha Dili. Hafoin aprende esperiensia balun husi CSEP no FJM, nia fila ba nia hela fatin komesa halibur joventude maluk sira ne’ebé hanesan ho nia hamutuk nain 20 (feto 10 no mane 10) kria grupu ida hanaran “MAIT’PU” signifika “Mai Ita Hamutuk” maibé sira iha motto prinsipál ho dalen mambae mak hanaran “PUT IT BLORU MAN ARBAU TEEN” / “Mai ita hamutuk Ita Hanesan Karau Tén” labele hanesan bibi nia ten ne’ebé monu tun ba rai namkari ketak-ketak.

Liu husi grupu ne’e, joven nain 20 konsege implementa ona aktividade hakiak ikan, kuda modo no hakiak manu Timor iha sira nia Suco uza rekursu lokal ne’ebé la gastus osan bot hanesan Au, Ai, Redi, ai-tahan, kolam debu ne’ebé kria rasik husi joven sira.

Espera fulan hat tuir mai sei kolheta nia resultadu no liga ho merkadu municipal no nasional. CSEP ho FJM sei kontinua apoio moral, enkorazamentu no ligasaun merkadu iha futuru hodi kontinua sira nia aktividade hirak ne’e lao nafatin.



Marginalization Youth Forum (MYF) is an organization founded on 9th July 2020 by youth members from 12 municipalities including RAEOA in Timor Leste. MYF is an initiative of the Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) to strengthen monitoring; research and advocacy works in the most important sectors such as education, agriculture, tourism and the economy to empower the marginalized young people to withdraw from that marginalized situations in Timor-Leste.

After being founded in less than a year, more than 100 young people who joined this forum have access to the learning opportunities together with CSEP members in very important events such as research, data analysis, advocacy, leadership, proposal writing methodology and basic financial training in order to be able to develop the capacity of the youth where mostly coming from all municipalities, villages, post administrative and very remote areas in Timor-Leste.

Thus, MYF together with its partner of Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) would like to publish this success story from MYF members in Ermera Municipality as follows: Anselmo Graça de Deus, born in Haupu Village, Letefoho  Subdistrict, Ermera  Municipality  with an education degree graduated from high school and joined MYF since 2020 when MYF was founded in Dili.

Since he joined MYF and participated in various training opportunities, he returned to his home village  and began to gather his fellow young people (men and women) from the same background as him, about 20 people (Women 10 and Male 10) and started a group called " MAIT'PU” in the local language which can be interpreted "Let's be together" where they have a special motto in the Mambae language called "PU IT BLORU MAN ARBAU TEEN" / Let's be together like buffalo dung" don't be like goat droppings that fall to the ground but separate from each other.

Through this mentioned group, the total of 20 people have implemented activities of farming fish, planting various vegetables/horticulture and raising local chickens in their village using the existing local resources that not cost a lot of money such as bamboo, leaves, mud ponds made by the youth themselves. Hopefully the next four months will be able to harvesting the results and promoted in the municipal and national levels. CSEP and MYF will continue to provide moral support, mentoring and facilitate access to markets in the future so that they can continue their current activities.


MEDIA CSEP, 26 July 2021