Kordenador Nasional Civil Society
Education Partnership (CSEP) akompanha
husi Diretor Asosiasaun Foinsa’e Dezenvolvimentu Rural (AFDR) no Koordenadora Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) Municipiu
Liquiça marka enkontru ho Diretora SEPFOPE Municipiu Liquica Sra. Lucia Correia hodi introdus aktividade treinamentu
husi CSEP, existénsia FJM no posibilidade atu kolabora servisu ho SEFOPE
munisipiu inklui mobilizasaun joventude sira atu hakbesik-án ba iha Sentru
Formasaun Akreditadu sira iha Munisipiu Liquiça.
CSEP mos rekomenda ba SEFOPE
munisipiu Liquiça atu kolabora servisu ho organizasaun sociedade civil sira
inklui joventude sira atu hamutuk dezenvolve munisipiu Liquiça tamba dezenvolvimentu
atu lao diak iha nivel munisipiu presija kolaborasaun servisu entre partes hotu
hanesan governu, autoridade municipal, ajensia internasional, NGO/Sosiedade
Civil, grupu joventude no komunidade sira ho forsa ida deit hodi kontribui ba
dezenvolvimentu komun.
CSEP, MYF and Asociação Foinsa’e Dezenvolvimentu Rural (AFDR)
met with the Director SEFOPE in Liquiça Municipality
The National Coordinator of Civil Society Education
Partnership (CSEP) together with the Director of AFDR and the Coordinator of
Marginalized Youth Forum (MYF) in Liquiça municipality met with the Director of
the Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SSVTE) Mrs.
Lucia Correia in Liquiça municipality to introduce the training activities that
held by CSEP, the existence of MYF in Liquica and look for possible
collaborations with SSVTE including the marginalized youth mobilizations to
approach to the non-formal education and accredited training centers in Liquiça
CSEP is also recommended to the SSVTE Liquiça municipality to
collaborate with the civil society organisations including youth to be together
developing Liquica municipality because to develop well the municipality should
collaborate between all parties such as government, municipal administrators,
international agencies, NGOs/CSEOs youth groups and communities as one to
contribute to the national developments.