Administrador Munisipiu Liquiça halo abertura ba Treinamentu husi CSEP


Sr. Pedro Paulo Gomes,Lic.Sp, Administrador Municipiu Liquica halo abertura ba treinamentu loron hat husi loron 16-19 de Julho de 2021 ne’ebé fasilita husi Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) iha Salão Rede Sociedade Civil, Liquiça vila. Iha oportunidade ne’e, Sr. Administrador apresia ba aktividade ne’e tamba bele apoio joventude sira hetan oportunidade atu aprende no dezenvolve sira nia abilidade ba futuru.

Treinamentu ne’e partisipa husi partisipante nain 20, komportu husi munisipiu tolu mak hanesan Ermera, Liquiça no Bobonaro ne’ebé mai husi membro Forum Joventude Marjinalizado (FJM), Assosiasaun Foin sa’e Dezemvolvimentu Rural (AFDR)-Liquiça, Instituto Matadalan Integrado (IMI)-Ermera.

Topiku Treinamentu ne’e mak kona-bá oinsa “Hakrerek proposta, Jestaun Lideransa no Finansa Baziku” ho intensaun atu hasa’e kapasidade membru no partisipante sira nia abilidade hodi lidera no aplika iha sira nia organizasaun no grupu joventude sira iha kada munisipiu tamba lolós ne’e oportunidade fundus ba joventude sira ne’e iha maibe tamba menus kapasidade atu hakerek proposta maka grupu joventude sira labele hetan oportunidade hirak ne’e.

CSEP fiar katak wainhira remata sesaun ne’e partisipante sira ne’ebe mai husi lideransa NGO membru CSEP no Forum Joventude Marjinalizadu (FJM) bele hakerek ona proposta, halo planu aktividade no orsamentu atu buka apoio no jere sira nia organizasaun iha futuru.


The Administrator of Liquiça Municipality made an opening remark to the Training from CSEP

Sr. Pedro Paulo Gomes,Lic.Sp, the Administrator for Liquiça municipality formally opens the four days training from 16—19 July 2021 that facilitated by Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) at Salão Civil Society Networks, Liquiça villa. At the same time, Mr. Administrator appreciated on the training events as these are providing the learning opportunities, supports and developing the skills of marginalized youth in the future.

The topics of training are on “How to develop good proposal and reports, leadership management and basic finance” to strengthen the capacities of members and participants to lead and apply in their respective organization and youth groups in each municipalities as actually there are lots of funding opportunities available for youth but due to the limited capacity from the youth to develop the good quality proposal then these youth groups could not find these opportunities.

CSEP believes that end of these trainings, the participants who come from each NGO and Marginalized Youth Forum (MYF) will be able to write proposal, activity and budget planning to look for funding opportunities and leading their organisations in the future.
