English version is below:
Surtu COVID-19 nebe’e mosu iha
Timor-Leste desde 2020 to’o agora iha mundu no mos iha ita nia nasaun fo tebes
impaktu negativu ba joventude sira iha rai laran tamba kauza husi situasaun
oi-oin hanesan laiha kampo de servisu, produtu lokal sira la folin iha merkadu,
asesibilidade transporte públiku ne’ebé liga entre munisipiu mai nasional
labele lao ho diak, mudansa klimátika, desastre naturais estraga to’os no natar,
animal sira hanesan Fahi mate barak iha tinan 2019 to’o agora, laiha
oportunidade atu asesu ba centru treinamentu/formasaun sira iha nivel munisipiu
no postu sira hodi hasa’e sira nia kapasidade atu compete iha merkadu trabalho,
roda ekonomia iha nivel rural la lao ho diak hodi afeta ba maioria joventude
sira iha area rural ninia ekonomia la sufisiénte atu asesu ba oportunidade
edukasaun nivel ás no seluk-seluk tán.
Prolongamentu Serka Sanitária no
konfinamentu obrigatória iha teritoriu kontinua fo espetativa inserteza ba
joventude sira atu hetan oportunidade servisu, edukasaun, treinamentu, faan
produtu lokal ou negosiu no mós fo presaun psikolojia maka sei fo impaktu
negativu ba vida moris joventude sira nian ba oin.
Hare ba problemas hirak ne’e,
CSEP hakarak rekomenda ba governu katak Bele prolonga desijan Serka Sanitária
maibe tenki loke dalan para povu no joventude sira livremente asesu ba
oportunidade hirak mensiona iha leten hodi fo biban ba joven kbít laék sira
faan sira nia produtu no asesu mai merkadu nasional.
The COVID-19 virus that emerged
in Timor-Leste and around the globe
since 2020 has a very negative
impact on youth in the country as of various impacts where resulting in no
employment, local products in the market are not valuable, accessibility public
transportation that is connected between districts to cities does not work
well, climate change, natural disasters that have resulted in the destruction
of agricultural land and rice fields as well as livestock such as pigs that
died in 2019 until now. There is no opportunity to access training venues at
the sub-district and municipality level to improve their ability to participate
in marketing and employment.
The wheels of the economy in remote areas do
not run well which is to the point of
having a major impact on youth in remote areas, the youth's finances are not
sufficient to access higher education opportunities and others.
Extension of time for stay-at-home
obligations and complying with local government regulations will continue to
leave young people uncertain about opportunities in work, education, and
training, selling local products or other business and these gives mental
stress and make a negative impact on the lives of young people in the future.
After seeing this problem, CSEP
would like to recommend to the Government that there is a possibilities to
extend the decisions that have been taken however should be open an access for
roads so that people and youth are free to access the opportunities as
mentioned above and they would be able to provide an opportunities for the
youth to sell their local products to the market in the center of the capital